Fair Use


A patent is given to a person from the government. It gives you the right to stop others from using or selling your invention.


Industrial Designs

An industrial design is the way a product’s shape, arrangement of parts, pattern or detail used to make the product look nicer is applied to the finished product.



A trademark can be a motto, sounds or design that is used to represent an organization.




Copyright is the right to create something of your own, recreate someone else’s work in any way you’d like. Copyright protects literature, art, acting, or music, ect.


Trade Secrets

Trade secrets are any important business information that needs to be kept secret.


Public Domain : 3 Things About Me


 Attribution (by)

Anyone using your work must give you credit, but they need to ask you if they don’t want to give you credit for your work.

ShareAlike (sa)

You let others copy, give out, simplify, perform, or display any of your work, then they have to simplify or distribute their work in the same way.

NonCommercial (inc)

You let others copy, share, display, perform, and use your work for any reasons other than for commercial reasons.

NoDerivatives (nd)

You let other copy, share, display, perform your work if they have made it in their own way (original copies).